Monday, May 18, 2009

Strawberry Pickin's

I hope to get pics up on this when I return from training. Sunday, I took Ariel and Linzy strawberry picking. It was fabulous! We initially wanted to only to one tray, but we got it finished in no time, so I went and got another one. Linzy was initally a big help, (didn't eat any and didn't go tromping through the rows.) She carried the berries to the tray and even managed to pick some nice red ones. Like i said, the first tray went fast.

When I got back with the sencond one, we slowed down a bit. Ariel and I let Linzy eat a couple fresh strawberries as we picked them and of course, we indulged a few as well. Linzy soon became covered in the juices, her hands and face stained pink and her sleeves and shirt... even more so, but she loved it! Linzy also decided to see how soft some berries were by squishing them in her hands and walking through the rows (not between them) to go look at berries that caught her eye. And of course, right before we get up to leave, she does her business in her diaper. (lucky me)

We got the two trays paid for and went home. Linzy, after walking in the door, grabbed her pacifier and baby doll, climbed the stairs and went to her bed all by herself and without anyone telling her it was nap time.(she was of course still wearing stain clothes) Poor baby was pooped and we had to go visit with Ariel's grandparents yet. When we got back, Linzy slept at the granparents for an hour, I spent a little time cleaning and slicing up half of them before i had to leave to drive out to somerset for training. Ariel's mom had the rest done before Ariel got home from work that night.(she had a evening shift)

A great day outside and we got to eat strawberries, a nice weekend.

Link to Slideshow:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rising of the Terrible Two's!!!!

It happens with every child, the dreaded terrible two's. When all you want is a little peace and quiet and all they want is their way. While she is not yet two, Linzy is quickly showing us how close 19 months is close to 24. The 'fits' have started developing their way into her behavior, ex. she will be told to stay away from something or not to touch something and she will grin and do it anyway. We of course proceed to pull her away from it or pick her up and move her away from it and tell her no again. She then proceeds to throw herself to the floor and cry. Or she will kick and scream. Great fun.

Our response to that is to ignore her until she stops or, if she screams, send her to the time out corner until she calms down. To her credit, when told to, she will get up, walk to the said corner, and sit back down without a hitch. Never fails to impress me how obediant she is when it comes to that sort of thing. Its like she is saying, "ok, I know I got out of control, I'll go"

A couple nights ago, I babysat Linzy while Ariel was at work. All was going as well as can be expected when she only had a half hour nap. (I was holding everything together, but it wasn't easy) Then Ariel called while I was getting Linzy ready for bath. Linzy decided she didn't want to talk to mommy and when Ariel hung up, (she was on speaker), it was end game for her. I mean the floodgates opened up. When Linzy realized that her mom actually hung up, she just fell apart. She kept pointing to the phone and begged me to call Ariel back, unfortunately that particular phone chose to malfunction at that exact time, so I couldn't call Ariel back. So I ran into my room and got my verizon phone (yes, I have 2). I tried to call Ariel on that phone, but she had already left her break and went back to work. So, I had to give Linzy a bath and get her ready for bed, the whole while, she just bawled her poor head off. Luckily for me, when I laid down with her on the couch, she went right to sleep. the poor baby was exhausted. We got up the next morning at 6am and played for an hour before I had to get Ariel up so I could go to work.

Work has been fine, i had a training session May 4-7 and I have another one the 18-22. Then I get memorial day off and I think my last real training trip will be june 8-12 . The exciting thing is that I will be on vacation the 30th-6th. Ariel, me, Joe and some of our friends have rented a house down in Panama City Beach, Florida for the week. Ariel is really excited about it, though she tries not to think about how much she will miss her baby, (Linzy won't be going). Ariel's birthday is the 26th and this trip is supposed to be part of the celebration. I'm not as excited about it yet, though I suppose it is because there is still plenty on my schedule between now and then.

Almost forgot, I saw a couple episodes of "The Legend of The Seeker" on tv the other night. Its based on a book series that I have. "The Sword of Truth Series" by Terry Goodkind. No dvds are our yet for the series, but i think that Dad would like it, he has read the books too...I would like them too, but as I said, no dvds are out yet...